Je ne sais pas si vous avez vu mais Marc Walters avait organisé une petite session question réponse sur Twitter. Aucunes news évidemment, que des réponses évasives mais ça permet quand même de voir l'orientation que prend le jeu (même si évidemment la réalité est souvent bien différente). Je les ai tous simplement repris un par un même les plus nul, c'est juste histoire de transposer ça ici, vous pouvez tous retrouver sur le twitter de Marc Walters.
“Samael76: The ability to modify your character's appearance post the initial creation would be cool....”
Marc Walters: Hm. Anyone else want to see this?
“riokuan: @LittleKyng the mako back i miss it”
MW: Done! It missed you too.
“Samael76 Primarily I’d ensure the CC has (also) in-game lighting in a scene. But it’d be good for fixing mistakes”
MW: Lighting is everything!
“YokeiDog: Something like the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor.”
MW: I just aged five years! But yeah, loved Nemesis. Terrific innovation.
“ggblackrose: more outfit options..”
MW: Such as...?
“Wcfromaz: More moral ambiguity in decisionmaking. But, that's probably because I'm a #philosophymajor”
MW: Love it. #PsychMajor
“davidlucio: choice repercussions, that influence personality/dialogue further in playthrough. Or a walking bear alien.”
MW: A Bearlien! Sweet!
“Flickamatuta: Having the protagonist feel the weight of each decision he/she makes and become stressed over them.”
MW: Ahh. Just like my job.
“mersinvald: Although, I'd like to see really hardcore difficulty on "nightmare". It brings me in game totally.”
MW: Nightmare... Anyone else?
“TiffanyMLowe: I really enjoyed the War Table aspect of DAI, so something like that would be nifty.”
MW: Yup. War Table was brilliant.
“Cristina_Shaw: A larger variety of/better fitting hair styles
MW: NextGen = better hair. Or if it doesn't... It really should. No?
“CmdrNinja: I loved the feeling in Me1 the first time you set down on a planet..”
MW: Still one of my most memorable moments as a game Dev.
“Quillcannon: I absolutely adore side activities with their own smaller but ongoing stories. Nothing builds a world like those.”
MW: Agreed.
Thanks for all your #MassEffect thoughts. Keep discussing & sending, love hearing it. And don't forget to enjoy the 1st late night of 2015!