Nan je ne pense pas car les updates sont intégré directement, c'est à dire que les fichiers que tu as téléchargé sont les derniers disponibles et ceux avec la correction des bugs. Voilà la liste des corrections:
-Soft Dynamic Shadows by Daemonjax @ the Nexus sites
-Altahe fully fixed now all rachni related crashes now resolved
-Male HD eyebrows added on humans
-Some female HD eyebrows added (ones I felt needed it)
-More salarian NPC clothing re-textures
-Asari NPC faces more detailed
-Backwards Earth Fix when on moon
-Femshep face shine reduced
-Kaiden teeth whitened, and eyebrows returned to more vanilla look (less bushy)
-Udina's hair mask was misaligned causing odd coloring along the hairline, this is now corrected.
-Cleaned up some NPC clothings (sheen on Asari dress, and the underline of the breasts on the Consort dress/outfit which many NPC's also use, removed the blatant line and replaced it with more subtle shading.
-Fixed crash on Altahe when exiting facility, crash was due to incomplete/corrupt Rachni texture
-Fixed Feros and other crashes due to Gethtranport ship texture being too large.
Mod has been tested on every planet, every elevator, and every main "boss encounter"
no crashes found during testing

-Normandy Chair glitch fixed and greater overall stability achieved by using new ME3Explorer and
minimizing duplicate files
-N7 armors and human faces have full mips so no more shimmer (note this will cause low lod in the
character create menu just get through the menu and the armors and faces will look normal in
game, there is currently no fix except for removing mips which causes shimmer
-Splash screen will now fit 720p displays and not be oversized
-Many many cosmetic fixes on NPC clothings, drop shadows, misalignments, etc...
-Anderson seam on face in certain lighting
-Human teeth have been straightened and whitened a bit
-"GI Jane" hair style restored if you liked the bald "Jack" version it will be available via .mod or .tpf
New stuff :
All pre 03/17/2014
-Full Subtitle Universal Language Support!
-Full DLC support!
-Benezia fully redone
-Geth fully redone
-Fixed Asari eye glow (for real

-New Volus texture
-Council holograms now fully re-textured
-Final Saren fully redone proper
-Sheploo now with more detail based on ME1 feel and achieved using Vanderloo photos for reference
-All human faces now use highly detailed normal maps
-Human female faces toned down for shine under certain lights
-C-Sec armor tweaked a bit, toned down the logo and slightly tweaked shading
-All of Tali's armors fully re-textured
-New Geth transport ship texture
-Ash's Phoenix armor lights tweaked
-Turian medium colossus properly retextured
-Nhilus's Phantom armor fully retextured
-More NPC clothings added, all touched up as mentioned above (minor visual fixes)
-Geth hoppers now smooth and non-blocky
-Film grain made more visible now really close to ME2 look
-Dancers retextured
-Reporter re-textured
-Husks re-textured
Sinon tu as bien vérifié la taille de ton fichier Mass Effect maintenant? Il doit faire au moins 16.7Go sinon c'est que le mod c'est mal installé. Et pas oublier non plus de suivre cette procédure:
" Find your install directory:...\Mass Effect\Binaries\ and run MassEffectConfig.exe. On the left hand sidebar, select the Repair option. Click the Delete Local Shader Cache Files button. That's it, you can close the config program and start the game normally and it will load the new soft shadow shaders." après avoir installé le mod
Edit: Voilà j'ai installé le mod et je dois avouer que de mon côté je suis très satisfait, ça redonne un coup de fraicheur et je n'ai pas eu de bugs ou de désagréments divers. Une petite vidéo prise vite fait mais en 1080p full HD pour vous donner une idée. Je referait dans d'autres lieux pour vous montrer ce que ça donne